Rochester Recreation seeks submissions for Art Olympics, 5/7 deadline

Apr 30, 2024

Rochester Recreation and Arena, in collaboration with the Strafford Regional Planning Commission, is organizing The Rochester Recreation and Arena Art Olympics as a part of its Master Plan development.

This initiative aims to engage residents of all ages and artistic backgrounds in envisioning the future of recreation in the City of Rochester. Participants are encouraged to depict their dream play space in Rochester through various mediums such as colored pencil, oil paint, photography, digital art, and more.

The contest is open to residents and individuals who live, work, or play in Rochester, including K-12 students and adults. Submissions must adhere to certain guidelines, including size restrictions and submission requirements. Digital files can be emailed to Nicole Lee at [email protected], while non-digital submissions can be dropped off at the Rochester Recreation Department, 150 Wakefield Street.

Entries will be displayed in indoor recreation spaces managed by Rochester Recreation and Arena, with winning artworks showcased in the public art space at the James W. Foley Memorial Community Center. The judging process will be conducted by the Recreation Master Plan Steering Committee. The submission deadline is May 7th, 2024, with notifications sent out by May 10th, followed by an opening reception and exhibition of selected artworks.

For further inquiries or information, readers can contact Nicole Lee at [email protected]. For more information, visit

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